Resources for ICC Basics

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Evan Howard’s 2023 book.  Listen to Evan reading Chapter 8: “The last chapter is simply my own apologetic for intentional Christian community.” Evan shares his experience of healthy communities and what leads to their health.

a ‘manifesto’ by Bruderhof founder Eberhard Arnold, from 1925. Free pamphlet on request: Send your address to

Edited by Charles E. Moore. To request a free paperback book, send your postal address to

by John C White, Toni M Daniels, Dr Kent Smith

Relational Revolution: 5 Shifts for Rediscovering Church as Heart to Heart Connection

 by John White, Toni Daniels and Kent Smith  An overview of Christian culture shifts foundational to a lifestyle of love in community.


YouTube videos

Recordings of NCN virtual meetings on

Resources by Rich & Melinda of Bruderhof, 2019

a series of 51 videos discussing each chapter of the book. Hosted by two members of Woodcrest Bruderhof, 2023.



Other Resources

a six-week course in basic relational skills training that prepares people for a more loving, interdependent life with God and others.

Getting Started

a five day intensive training for joining God in the creation of healthy intentional Christian community culture.

on Nurturing Communities website: books, websites, podcasts


Articles on Intentional Christian Community

Coretta Thomson asked people who live in intentional Christian communities about their experiences. (Dec 2023)

an epilogue to the epilogue of Mystics and Misfits, by Christiana Peterson (Oct 2022)